Monday, 13 October 2008

Analysis of the teachers 'Secondary' magazine.

Analysis Of the Secondary Teachers Magazine.
Firstly the magazine has three main stories running across the top of the magazine front cover. These stories are placed just above the title so that people who like the magazine notice the title and onlyhave to look up to see what the main stories are in this edition.
The Masthead of the magazine in this case is 'Secondary Teachers' this indicates again that the magazine is taregted towards secondary education teachers. It also gives the reader a general idea as to what the magazine is going to be about and if this interests them. By the looks of the front cover i would say this is a general magazine aimed at all teachers across the country and not just one school in general. This also highlights that the topics are not specific to one particular school and that the issues discussed are the issues that effect teachers worldwide.
The main picture is a medium close up of two boys sat in a changing room, with some football shirts hanging behind them, both of the boys have books and pencils in their hands. Printed on te front cover of the book is the Arsenal football club badge. This is instantly recognisable to all football and sports fans, this may suggest that this edition of the magazine is based around the sport side of education, as the books that both of the boys are holding suggests that they are working and shows that there is a link between sport and education. Both of the boys are dressed in full school uniform which again displays that the magazine is centred around education and the clothes that the boys are wearing links in with this idea. Both of the boys in the picture are looking at each other and smiling, whilst the boy on the left looks to be trying to solve some sort of problem which is written in his book. the expressions on the boys faces suggests that the magazine is trying to infrom the teachers to try and make their lessons fun and make learning fun as children learn better in that type of environment. Also on the back of the football shirts, which are the same colour as the Arsenal football club strip, which again makes them instantly recognisable, the words Literacy and Numeracy are printed in bold white which again stands out again stands out against the red of the shirt. These to words are instantly recognised as school subjects maths and english and people straight away register the link between the sports (i.e the shirt it's printed on) and the education link. (i.e the words Literacy and Numeracy).
This is backed up by the main headline which is coloured in Yellow with a bold font so that it stands out against the dark background and almost looks as if it is jumping off the page to attract the readers attention. The main headline says 'Playing to Learn'. This headline again suggests the link between playing, having fun and participating in sports with learning in education and getting good grades. This fits in with the main picture which shows the two boys surrounded by thinks which link with sports. All of this emphasises the magazines main headline and the mian message in the magazine which they are going to discuss.
The sub-headline which is in white and a smaller font has been placed directly beneath the main headline to show that the two are connected. 'How football can improve their maths and english'. This shows the direct link which the magazine is trying to portray between children playing football and sports can alter and improve childrens more academic subjects like maths and english. This sud-headline has been made white and shorter than the main headline as it is not as catchy or eye-catching as the main headline which is going to attract the readers, however it is still important so the size is still big and stands out, however it has been reduced so that it does not take the importance away from the main headline.
The magazine has many links like with the picture which indicate that the main purpose of the magazine is about education and secondary school teachers and how they can improve their lessons.

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